Monday, July 7, 2008

Greetings from the future (14 hrs)

Sorry it took so long to give you an update, and sorry that by now so much has happened that I can't really give you a sufficient one. I mean it's been only a week and we're about to leave our 4th country
(granted two of those countries were layovers) So since I don't have time to write as many blogs as I would have liked with the amount of detail and cleverness that I'm sure you've come to expect, I will just give you a very brief summation of the blogs that I might have written had I had more time.

17 hr Flight --- Death Tube. It's creepy to be in a dark tube a mile above the earth surrounded by a hundred sleeping people. It's like their in hibernation and you're left to experience time all alone surrounded by lifeless bodies. Or it's like traveling in a mass coffin and you were the only one buried alive. Other than that it was actually quite pleasant.

Laos --- Beautiful. Reminds me of the Deep South. Red Mud, Green Mountains, Farm Animals, and ridiculously vast Flea Markets. If my grandma for whatever reason ever has to flee the country I would suggest she go to Laos. We traveled with a team from CCC. They were awesome (because of me one of them is now a frequent use of the word "Awesome"). We killed a dog (not for was in the middle of the road...where our van was). Mike got a minor concussion and lost his short term memory for about half a day. He basically fell from a trapeze platform into the rushing Nam Song river. He's fine. We went to a couple of villages handed out things, played games, but most of our time was spent hanging out with the CCC team most of which are now avid players of the game Skipbo. We missed our flight to Viet Nam because we didn't have visas. Turned out to be a good thing as we went to a house to pray with and for the CCC team who had a meeting for an upcoming trip.
Kahle's Scripture Theme for Laos: Acts 2:42.

VietNam----Most of our time has been spent traveling with a lady named Sarah...named so because she's been called to be a mother to the children of Vietnam. Very cool lady with very cool stories of faith and God miraculous provision. We went to a school of a lady who teaches English to kids for free in exchange their parents also let her share the gospel. The kids their close their eyes when they pray and when they sing and it's amazing....The rest of the time has been in Ho Chi Minh which is Scooterrifying. There are so many scooters and motor bikes they are like a flood moving down a street with no discernable traffic laws. Had any of the Americans in our group been driving we would all be dead...along with a good many Vietnamese.
Kahle's Scripture Theme for Vietnam: Hebrews 10:38-39

So far this trip (for me) has been less about helping people and more about seeing what real Christians are like. How they live by faith. How they have such passion for they're people and for the Gospel. For some of the people we met the Gospel is their full time job. And by "full time" I don't mean 40hrs a week I mean everyhrs a week. And some, like the ladies in Vietnam, don't even get job...just the Gospel! It's inspiring and humbling and encouraging all at the same time. And the God is changing lives radically changing lives. Slackers and drunks become hard workers. Drug addicts get clean. Sick people are healed. Spiritually oppressed delivered. It's astonishing and as it should be. It is an exciting place to be and worthwhile place to invest your prayers.

Love you guys. Wish I could tell you more....(well not enough to actually tell you more....i guess i should say i wish i wanted to tell you more), but I need to go bed.

Tomorrow we're off to Bangkok.

God is Faithful

Yours in Christ,

Kahle (or as our Asian brothers and sisters know me...Keo)

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good his love endures forever!" Ps. 118:1 & 29

ps. I'm not going to proof read this. I hope that's not too obvious.

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